TrueNorth gives you the trustworthy market data and insights you need at a price you can afford.
AmeriSpeak® created TrueNorth in 2020 to leverage its trailblazing work in online surveys. There are two main ways to discover what people think, feel, and do. One is through probability surveys, which set the standard for accuracy and reliability. The second is through nonprobability surveys, which are much cheaper to field but often produce faulty findings. TrueNorth has developed a computer formula that fixes these errors, allowing us to merge results from nonprobability surveys into the results of a rigorously conducted AmeriSpeak survey. The result is a much larger dataset that is both reliable and cost-effective to produce.
We’re true to our lineage.
Delivering objective, insightful data is in our DNA. Though we’re relatively new, our history goes back to 1941, when NORC was founded as a pioneer in field interviews. Over the decades, we evolved our methodologies to include telephone and then internet surveys as technology made it easier to reach a true cross-section of the nation. Whatever the means, though, NORC and AmeriSpeak, which NORC launched in 2015, have stuck with probability surveys. This isn’t easy—it requires scientifically recruiting a panel of participants that includes hard-to-reach populations. But this extra effort ensures that AmeriSpeak’s online survey findings are as sound as traditional methods. And it puts them head and shoulders above nonprobability surveys which, because they invite anyone to sign up, almost invariably get things wrong.
Proven Results
The Expertise to Take Research Forward
With well over a century of combined experience in gathering and analyzing public opinion on a wide range of topics, TrueNorth’s leadership knows how to deliver for clients.